Limited Scope Representation ("LSR") is where a lawyer and the client agree on limited legal services rather than the lawyer handling the matter in its entirety.  LSR is often utilized by providing legal advice, preparing or reviewing legal documents and pleadings and representing a client at a court hearing or mediation.

LSR is a time-saving way to provide pro bono services and allows the pro bono client take responsibility for certain tasks they are capable of performing.  LSR can also be a way to provide services to clients of modest means.   Otherwise self-representing litigants seek LSR services as a cost effective way of obtaining legal assistance and effectively addressing their legal needs. 

LSR also provides the important opportunity to save court delays caused by self-representing parties who find it difficult navigating a resolution to their case without some assistance by a lawyer.

 LSR Rules and Regulations

LSR Guides & Manuals

LSR Reference Materials

LSR Attorney Practice Materials

LSR Attorney Training Materials

LSR Opportunities in Montana