Motions to Amend and Notices of Reopening  

41E-0188-R-2024 Motion to Amend Claim 41E 94306-00 

40B-6001-A-2025 Motion to Amend Claim 40B 41449-00


Basin 41J

Notice of the Filing of an Objection and Opportunity to File Counterobjections (deadline May 13, 2025)

Pre-Objection List

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline March 10, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 

Basin 43N

Notice that Objections have been Filed and Hearings Requested  (deadline May 16, 2025) 

Objection List

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline March 11, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 

Basin 43QJ

Notice of the Filing of an Objection and Opportunity to File Counterobjections (deadline May 27, 2025)

Pre-Objection List

Notice of Entry of Second Preliminary Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline March 24, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law   

Basin 76M

Order Granting Request for Extension of Time to File Objections (deadline July 7, 2025)

Notice of Entry of Preliminary Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline April 7, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law  

Basin 76G

Order Granting Request for Extension of Time to File Objections (deadline August 11, 2025)

Notice of Entry of Preliminary Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline May 13, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law  

Basin 76J

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline June 4, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 

Basin 76I

Notice of Entry of Preliminary Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline June 4, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law  

Basin 41O

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline July 16, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Basin 41A

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline July 30, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Basin 41B

Notice of Entry of Interlocutory Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline July 30, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Basin 76LJ

Notice of Entry of Preliminary Decree and Notice of Availability (deadline August 20, 2025)

Decree Abstracts

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law  



Basins 76L & 76LJ

(Basin 76L Case No.: BASIN-0001-76L-1985)
(Basin 76LJ Case No.: BASIN-0002-76LJ-1985)

Order Extending Stay (through January 10, 2020)

Order Extending Stay (through January 10, 2023)

Order Extending Stay (through September 29, 2023)

Order Extending Stays (through January 31, 2024 for Basin 76LJ and May 31, 2024 for Basin 76L)

Order Extending Stay and Resetting Conference [for March 14, 2024] for Basin 76LJ (through March 29, 2024)

Order Setting Status Conference (for March 14, 2024 for Basin 76LJ)

Court Minutes, and Order Setting Filing Deadline and Extending Stay (through April 30, 2024 for Basin 76LJ)

Motion for an Extension of Stay of Preliminary Decrees in Basins 76L and 76LJ filed by United States DOJ Indian Resource Section ENRD (Filed March 29, 2024)

Additional Brief in Support of Motion for Extension of Stay filed by Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Filed March 29, 2024)

Notice of Motions to Stay and Order Providing Opportunity for Response Briefing (Filing deadline set for May 3, 2024)

Order Vacating Status Conference (Basin 76L)

Order Extending Stays (through January 31, 2025 for Basin 76L and 76LJ)

Order on Motions to Extend Stays (through April 30, 2025 for 76L)