Lawyer Like An Athlete
Presenters: Amy Wood, Psy.D. & Stephanie Breck
Amy Wood, Psy.D.: Through executive coaching and CLE programming, Maine-based psychologist Amy Wood helps attorneys reach greater levels of achievement and fulfillment. She is the author of the ABA book Lawyer Like an Athlete and is often called on for her expert opinion by media ranging from Maine Public Radio to Parade Magazine. Dr. Wood earned her doctorate at Adler University and is certified by the College of Executive Coaching.
Stephanie Breck: Stephanie M. Breck serves as Columbia Falls Deputy City Attorney, handling all criminal prosecution matters. She obtained her law degree from Willamette University College of Law in Salem, Oregon in 1999. After graduating from law school, Stephanie worked in the labor and employment section of Miller Nash, LLP, in Portland, Oregon. Utilizing her employment law background, she left the practice of law for several years to work as a Human Resources professional for Hollywood Entertainment Corporation and Target Corporation. Upon moving to the Flathead Valley in June 2005, Stephanie continued to develop her employment law and human resources expertise at the Lakeside Law Office, in Lakeside, Montana where she represented both employers and employees. Her practice is focused on advising employers and small business owners on a variety of matters, including employment law, business formation, business contracts and general litigation
Program Description: Unlike overload in other demanding professions, attorney stress is specific to the legal world and can't be tackled with one-size-fits-all advice. In Lawyer Like an Athlete, clinical psychologist and attorney wellness expert Dr. Amy Wood presents a power-packed program for achieving the kind of peak performance that sports figures strive for under unrivaled pressure. This one-hour webinar CLE is brought to you by the State Bar of Montana's Lawyer Assistance Program.
CLE Credit: 1.0 PFI Ethics Credit
Time 60 minutes
Friday March 21, 2025, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Informal Domestic Relations Trials (VIDEO)
Presenters: Justice Beth Baker, Montana Supreme Court
Honorable Michael McMahon, First Judicial District Court
Emma Schmelzer, Simplified Family Law Resolution Project Administrator
Program Description: This CLE presents an update on the pilot period and the first year of Informal Domestic Relations Trials (IDRTS) as the default process for domestic relations cases that include at least one pro se litigant. The presenters provide an overview of Rule 17 of the Uniform District Court Rules which established IDRTS, and they provide in-depth commentary of areas in which litigants and judges have had questions. The program concludes with how this new rule and process benefit both pro se and represented litigants.
CLE Credit: 1.0
Time 60 minutes
Updates in Montana Landlord and Tenant Law (VIDEO)
Presenters: Shane Cashin, Reference Librarian for State Law Library of Montana
Wednesday Szollosi, Housing Attorney for Montana Legal Services
Program Description: This presentation will provide information about updates and changes in Montana Landlord and Tenant law from the 2023 legislative session and seeks to inform Montana attorneys of the most pertinent changes that occurred this session. Beyond the legislative update, we will look at the Montana Eviction Intervention Project and explore common legal issues that an attorney in the MEIP program may encounter.
CLE Credit: 1.0
Time 60 minutes
This presentation will provide foundational information about Montana's legal system and some best practices for legal research. We will not only focus on how to conduct legal research, but we will shed light on why information in the legal system is organized in particular ways. The goal of this discussion is to achieve a deeper understanding of research tasks. Additionally, we will review free or low-cost options for finding legal information.
During presentation a handout was distributed.
CLE#: #82014; CLE Credit: 1 May 19, 2023: 60 minutes