PO Box 1389
1123 Research Drive
Bozeman, MT 59771
(406) 586-4364
(800) 624-3270
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed for observation of federal holidays
**The Water Court offers electronic service of documents generated by the Water Court to self-represented litigants. Please email the general inbox at watercourt@mt.gov for additional information.
**Pursuant to Local Rule 2, all lawyers practicing before the Montana Water Court shall become registered users of the electronic filing system and shall use the electronic filing system for both submission and receipt of filings.
**Pursuant to Amended Local Rule 1, electronic filings that are not part of an open case in Full Court are to be submitted to the general inbox, watercourt@mt.gov, not directly to clerks, masters or judges.
**Please be aware that Judges, Water Masters, and Court staff are unable to provide legal advice or engage in certain ex parte communications about pending cases. If you have procedural questions or general questions about the adjudication, feel free to give us a call.
E-Filing Training Video 1/5/2023
Employee | Title | Phone Number | |
Connor Cottingham | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7739 | connor.cottingham@mt.gov |
Natalie Riffel | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7733 | natalie.riffel@mt.gov |
D'Ann Cigler | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7740 | d'ann.cigler@mt.gov |
Rebecca Rodgers | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7735 | rebecca.rodgers@mt.gov |
Regina Certalic | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7753 | rcertalic@mt.gov |
Julie Cristiani | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7747 | jcristiani@mt.gov |
Vicki Heiser | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7757 | vheiser@mt.gov |
Swithin Shearer | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7756 | sshearer@mt.gov |
Elizabeth Draper | Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7741 | elizabeth.draper@mt.gov |
Liz Draper | Lead Judicial Assistant | 406-577-7744 | elizabeth.draper@mt.gov |
Brooke Reynolds | Water Master | 406-529-4778 | brooke.reynolds@mt.gov |
Eugene White | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7737 | eugene.white@mt.gov |
Eyvind Ostrem | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7745 | eyvind.ostrem@mt.gov |
Nathan Block | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7751 | nathaniel.block@mt.gov |
Melissa Lockman | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7749 | melissa.lockman@mt.gov |
Kathryn Lambert | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7748 | kalambert@mt.gov |
Julia Nordlund | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7746 | julia.nordlund@mt.gov |
Anika Stern | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7734 | astern@mt.gov |
Anna Stradley | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7736 | astradley@mt.gov |
Madeleine Weisz | Senior Water Master | 406-577-7752 | mweisz@mt.gov |
Sara Calkins | Court Administrator | 406-577-7755 | sara.calkins@mt.gov |
Bina Peters | Associate Water Judge | 406-577-7743 | bina.peters@mt.gov |
Stephen Brown | Chief Water Judge | 406-577-7743 | stephen.brown@mt.gov |